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The New Rules of Doubles

If you’re unhappy with your strategy, specifically, your shot selection, a lot of the time you feel like you’re hitting the wrong shots…

Then pick up a copy of “The New Rules Of Doubles,” because inside tennis analytics expert Craig O’Shannessy shows you 21 “new rules,” new strategies that have the highest winning percentage…

When you plug these strategies into your doubles game, you’ll immediately start hitting the right shots and win more matches.

Normally $199, today just $67!

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Tennis Over 50

After you turn 45 you lose 1% of your muscle mass each year unless you do something about it. That means you lose power, speed, quickness, and become more prone to injury.

Typical gym exercises (push-ups, sit-ups, bench press) work the big muscles but completely ignore the smaller stabilizing muscles allowing you to transfer energy from the ground, through your body, and into the tennis ball.

In this program, Dr. Mark Kovacs, one of the world’s most sought-after "tennis scientists," walks you through his step-by-step exercise program so you can reverse muscle loss, increase stability, and play like you’re 10 years younger.

Normally $199, today just $67!

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